Friday, September 26, 2008


So I was tagged by my friend Lauri, I have never been tagged before but I think I am supposed to fill out the info for me, so here goes..

I am: A teacher, a daughter, a sister, an Aunt and an Abba lover!
I think: All people should travel because as Mark Twain said, "Travel is fatal to prejudice."
I know: I have so much to be grateful for.
I want: to keep my history classes!
I have: great family and friends.
I dislike: disruptive, defiant students.
I miss: my nieces and nephew.
I fear: Spiders, anything with 8 legs can not be natural.
I feel: "Happy. I think I'll go for a walk..."
I hear: The sound of the after debate commentary.
I smell: vanilla hand soap.
I crave: good books.
I cry: rarely, especially in front of others.
I usually: drink too much diet coke everyday.
I regret: yelling at my students.
I search: google for interesting pictures and videos for my power point presentations
I wonder: what many people are thinking sometimes.
I love: my friends and family and good chocolate.
I care: sometimes too much and sometimes too little.
I always: Try to get home in time to watch Countdown.
I worry: about the people I care about.
I am not: very disciplined.
I remember: a lot of trivia, it is useful in games!
I believe: we all have a responsibility to vote!
I dance: in the halls at school
I sing: loudly in my car
I don't always: Tell people how grateful I am.
I argue: when I can, I always enjoy a good discussion.
I write: on a lot of student papers
I win: a lot of games and contrary to popular opinion I can be a good loser.
I lose: my patience too often
I wish: School started at 9:30 am
I listen:to a lot of 80's music
I don't understand: why bringing a pencil to class is so difficult
I can usually be found: trying to catch up
I am scared: a giant tarantula will jump out of a package at me.
I need: prayer
I forget: to do things I don't want to do.
I am happy: when I am with my nieces and nephew.


Kim H. said...

A good looser? Whatever. And bringing a pencil to class ranks right up there with not whining when you are asked to clear your plate after every meal...

Lauri said...

You play tag perfectly! Except, you can tag someone else now. What is Countdown? Is this something I should be watching. I guess I'm glad I just have 3 kids I don't get sometimes and not, what, hundreds? like you ;) Hope you're having a good weekend.


Angie said...

That was cool. I like those tag things. You can learn so much about a person. I guess I knew most of what was there already, but it's still fun to read.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, I tend to agree with your sister. You hate losing, especially to me in a trivia game!

Melissa said...

Well Anonymous, I don't really know how you would know wether or not I dislike losing a trivia game to you since it hasn't happened in so long!

Mel said...

It isn't just my fault there has been no trivia. I am not the one who went M.I.A. for the whole summer!