Saturday, November 27, 2010


So I decided to post again so soon to shock my readers (there's like two of you right?) I have had the last nine days off and it has been great! I saw the new Harry Potter movie twice, once at midnight. It was really good but I want to see part two right now! I then went to Boise for a few days. It was great to see family and friends, it had been awhile! I also subjected said family and friends to the new IQ test I am getting training on. I must say I have very smart family and friends :) Thanks very much to everyone who let me test them. I used like 8 people and it took all total about 5-6 hours. Just imagine if I had given it all to one person (Kenn is really glad you guys did it too so he wasn't that person) Despite the weather report and many warnings I traveled back to SLC on Tuesday, yes the day of the "BLIZZARD OF 2010" (I hope you hear that in your head with dramatic music) The roads were not great and I-84 after Burley was closed so I had to go the long way but with Mom and Dad's four wheel drive car it was fine. It took a long time though. After surviving the "BLIZZARD of 2010" I thought I was home free and eagerly went the next morning to get groceries for Thanksgiving dinner. Alas, I think the ice was angry at me for surviving easily the day before and it caught me by my car. I took a nice spill and twisted or dislocated my knee, there were some not nice sounds of some kind. Knee issues are not new to me though and before I ended up in a brace up to my waist or it swelled up to the size of a cantaloupe (both have occurred before)I hurried and did my shopping. Well, not so much hurried as limped through. Anyway the injury made for an interesting two days of cooking but it all turned out. Thanksgiving dinner was very nice and several games were played afterwords, thanks Kenn for indulging me again! Now I am not ready to go back to work and I realize I have little time to get all my holiday stuff done before I leave. Here comes the rush... Before I go here is a list of some of the things I am grateful for right now-

a bored niece who wants to talk to me
concerned family and friends
Good Eats Turkey recipe
a fun roommate to see movies with
a brother-in-law that is willing to run my errands
my parents four wheel drive
family willing to play games with me
Law and Order marathon
a heavenly father who loves me
a job I like

I could keep going but this is getting a little long...

1 comment:

Kim H. said...

I like your list, and hope your knee is feeling better.