Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Moments...

Hello all. I survived another week and as you are reading this it seems you did to, congratulations to us all! This week was very busy and tiring. I had several IEP's including one that I have been dreading all year. That one went surprisingly well thankfully. I also had a couple of Ward Sing practices to attend. Wait, before you all start cringing and thinking what is going on... i am not singing in the ward sing. I am strictly back stage help. This is my attempt to become more involved in my ward, get to know people more. Now I am wondering what I was thinking :) I think that the show is going to be great it has just been a lot of commitment and a lot more this next week as well. Oh well. I guess life is made up of experiences, the more the better. Also I have discovered that a member of my ward has a diet coke fountain with good ice in her house, available at all times. I am now trying to figure how to make good friends with this family :)

This weekend will also be busy. I have a practice at 7:00 am tomorrow morning, I am trying not to think about it, and my St. Patrick's day dinner. Tonight was a boost for my mood though, I went and saw Duplicity. It was very enjoyable and not only because I got to stare at Clive Owen for 2 hours. That was very nice though. So as a way of sharing I shall post a nice picture of him here. Just take a look, it is sure to make you feel happier!

Now wasn't that nice?


Kim H. said...

definitely need to see that movie:)

KLF said...

Way to get involved! Us introverts really have to make an effort. Don't worry, I always regret making commitments, and then am glad that I did when it's over. I also am glad it's over. Good luck!