Thursday, October 2, 2008


Ok I will not say anything about the Vice Presidential debate (those of you who know me know what I would say:) except that I did not throw anything at the TV. I think I showed remarkable restraint, I have learned discipline over that last 8 years :) On to the catch up.. it was a fast week. At school I did find out that I most likely will be able to keep my current schedule and my class of 38 went down to 27! Yea! I still have a class of 33 and 36 but still it is better. Also Pushing Daisies premiered this week and I think it is my favorite show on TV now. If you have never seen it you should give it a try. In closing I would like to say you should all go to Dave and Kim's blog and checkout the video David posted a link to. The video is pretty much indescribable, enjoy :)

1 comment:

Kim H. said...

I just almost bought the first season of pushind daisies...but are you really to be trusted?

Debate? Hah, that implies actually responding to statements and questions of the other party.